LOVEBOX is a section in my blog that talks about the never-ending-discussed subject,
this is the 1st post of this section . .
and since it's the 1st post, what better subject than . .

"nothing can compare to your first true love" -- Mariah Carey, "Don't Forget About Us"
this is what i think.
when the words "FIRST LOVE" is said, there are a couple of things that come to mind :
i think that person who makes you feel BRAND NEW, who gives you your first "butterflies", who feels different when they kiss you, i think that's your FIRST LOVE.
so now, that we've accomplished what FIRST LOVE is let's think about Ms. Carey's statement.
is your FIRST LOVE really really unbeatable?
can NOTHING compare to it?
i think to some extent, yes. your first love will be remembered. it's the one that you can't forget about. BUT, it doesn't mean that it IMPACTS you forever. seringkali, FIRST LOVE is just a memory to laugh and smile about. diingat, bukan berarti berefek, right?
menurut gw, beruntung bangetlah orang-orang yang bisa end up with their first love.
orang-orang yang first love-nya memang bener2 UNBEATABLE and INCOMPARABLE.
but what about others?
what about those whose first love left with only mere memories and heartaches?
is FIRST LOVE unbeatable and irreplaceable for them also?
give me your insights .
tell me what you think ..
l o v e,
clarissa tracy priscilla :)
this is what i think.
when the words "FIRST LOVE" is said, there are a couple of things that come to mind :
- a young girl and boy of age 6 holding hands . .
- that first real boyfriend/ girlfriend you have in high school or college
- the one that made you feel like you've never felt before, even though maybe this person isn't really your FIRST boyfriend/ girlfriend.
i think that person who makes you feel BRAND NEW, who gives you your first "butterflies", who feels different when they kiss you, i think that's your FIRST LOVE.
so now, that we've accomplished what FIRST LOVE is let's think about Ms. Carey's statement.
is your FIRST LOVE really really unbeatable?
can NOTHING compare to it?
i think to some extent, yes. your first love will be remembered. it's the one that you can't forget about. BUT, it doesn't mean that it IMPACTS you forever. seringkali, FIRST LOVE is just a memory to laugh and smile about. diingat, bukan berarti berefek, right?
menurut gw, beruntung bangetlah orang-orang yang bisa end up with their first love.
orang-orang yang first love-nya memang bener2 UNBEATABLE and INCOMPARABLE.
but what about others?
what about those whose first love left with only mere memories and heartaches?
is FIRST LOVE unbeatable and irreplaceable for them also?
give me your insights .
tell me what you think ..
l o v e,
clarissa tracy priscilla :)
hha,,,nice blog..
i love my first love...
As you already know, I have no experience bout this first love's thing, tho I did have a lot of first l**ts. lmao.
tu sais, n'est pas?
je t'embrasse,
first love lo syp cis? haha
First Love For the First time..
may i add one other thing 4 the 1st L.O.V.E. standard?
hmm,i got this long enough on n off relationship with chocoo..
we've both had done everythin' that we could to ruin it up,yet still,we have each other til now..
so it feels 4 me that he's my 1st love..
so,the point is,if you've done everythin' to ruin ur luvlife,but still,ur heart belongs onto him/her n so did he/she..then u may say that he/she is ur 1st love..
i adore ur KICK ASS choice of sentences,its all attractive..
that's why i kept sharing my bad stuffs over u..
coz ur words r influencing people who read/heard about it..
nice job Darla
enci Phopoo
wow I really remember about my first love
@ fina : je sais, bien sur! well first lusts CAN be remembered forever, IF you choose to act on it :) *u know what i mean . .
@ juneou : thanks for the comment. but what's your definition of love? depends right?
@ arla : thanks darl. i think you're absolutely right. i think those who manage to keep the love alive can be your FIRST LOVE. congrats to you too for having already found him :) thanks for the support la :) i hope you keep enjoying it :)
i mos def agree trace!
huni, u know what ? dlu ak sk bgt ngebhs kyk gn ni, about my first love, tp stlh mengingat ap yg dy lakukan yasudhlah yaa. hhh,
but, i think YUDO is my real first love. hehe
love u cisa . ( ga tau ya, tp ak sk pglan ini buat km. he)
thanks for the comments . .
@ henny : what do you agree with me on?
hehhe . .
@ rachel : lebih suka chiisa? hehhe ;) u can call me anything, love. btw, brati kamu pilih yg no. 3 dong yaa? i guess, sometimes FIRST LOVE comes later for some people right? :)
you know, beib! first love comes when you meet the right people.
that my opinion about first love.
your blue!
@ blue syg : i think so . . jadiii, first love kamu siapaa ?
uuuhhh my first love was very painful, miss.
but i still love him T_T
miss its me, ur hottest stud
thanks for the comments y'all.
but please leave a name below too if your comment is anonymous. because, i don't know who you are. hehhe :)
well. my first love was painful too. but you get through it, dear :)
and HOT STUD? hmmh. i have TOO MANY! hehhe . .
First love? unforgettable and it's an agony..
because i really have been falling in love with my first just a year ago and that person doesn't realise that. Maybe I'm just that person's illusory acquaintance and that thing is an agony!!
@ frisco : nice. AGONY. i like that. it exactly IS an agony to those whose first love is a tragedy right? but clearly, if she can't see that you're amazing, honey, she doesn't deserve you :)
BAGUSSSSSSSSSSSS BANGET MRS.BLOGNYA(gak nyante pake huruf gede gede)hahahaahaha
@ HR : hasyimm . . hoh! hahha ;)
dasar kamu tuu ya!
pokoknya first love never die...
miss cha" pinter bgd yua..
bagus bgd looohhh!!!!
uuueeee... :P
hihihihiiii... :)
@ putri : hahah :) thanks sweets. i'm not smart, just very very insightful. ehhe :)
as u know... i'm a really good example for this one...
again, as u know.. i'm the kind of girl who never gets a chance to say, "Hei guys, this is my boyfriend..."
but then... speaking of FIRST LOVE, i dont know whether the first guy that i like counts as my first love?? well, as i remember, i think i did say that he was my first love... (i think u know who am i talking here) but then again, how can i say that he's my first love when i dont even hv a chance to get to know him even deeper.. and when i think of it again now, i dont think that he's my first love... but the other one.. the last person that i trully had feeling before and after i'm china... well, up until.. ummm... wew... i think until now, i still hv a feeling for that person deep inside me...
so, i think first love, is a feeling for someone that u wont forget for the rest of ur life, eventho u already hv ur partner of life, that feeling to ur first love wont change..well, maybe a little change, but u will always be reminded of those moments when u're falling for that person... that's FIRST LOVE... ^^
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