Monday, March 30, 2009

EYES&EARS - - act of kindness

this is my 2nd blog under this section . .

it's actually based on something i just saw today, March 30th 2009


today, i rode the bus home. i crossed the bridge in front of Le Meridien to get to the other side of Jl. Jend. Sudirman. under the bridge, there's this woman.
i've seen her two times already. both times that i saw her, she was wearing the same flowered dress, well, more like "daster". she wasn't dirty but everyone around knows that she's mm . . crazy because she plays with old Aqua cups and spits out the plastic incessantly. she doesn't disturb anybody. she is JUST THERE.

now today, i saw a 640 bus passed. its route is Ps. Minggu-Tn.Abang (pardon my expertise on public transportation :) i ride the bus a lot these days, and i tend to observe). as usual, the "kenek" -- i really have no clue what "kenek" is in english, sorry -- got off the bus and yelled its route to get more passengers, but what i hadn't expected was that he approached the crazy woman and handed her a Rp1000 bill. he just put it in her hand and got back in his bus. i looked at him. first, he didn't see me but as the bus passed by, he saw me. i smiled and he smiled, SINCERELY.

ok. so maybe this doesn't sound too exciting. it doesn't make you cry your eyes out or anything. it didn't make me weep, either. but it made me feel EASIER about my day.

Rp1000 is not a lot. it doesn't really buy anything these days. but the way, he approached her and had the realization that someone else needed it more than him, that deserves a standing ovation. taking just a bit of your time and attention to give it to someone else, that's BIG.

i'm a christian, and it says in my bible, that true GIVING is when you give out of your own lacking, and that's exactly what that "kenek" man did.

the other thing i noticed was how EASY that smile he gave me was. it was as if "it's alll gooood". it wasn't those cheap smiles guys give girls that look like he just wants a piece of your ass *those nasty smiles. UGH.* it was SINCERE. and that's rare to find these days.

kalo kita denger kata "kebaikan" or "kindness", the images that come to mind may be of giving millions to charity, or going to a poor section of the country to adopt a needy kid, or donating to an orphanage, etcetc. these great images are actually what make us put off being nice.

i often think "ahh. baru bisa ngasihh sgini, ntar aj lahh klo bisa ngasii more" yadayadayada.

we forget that the littlest things MATTER.

even a smile, or a "thank you" can be meaningful.
in this day and age full of depression and hatred, those things can really turn it around.

so care,
show just how bright you truly shine.
smile once in a while, you don't know whose day you've just brightened.
plus, it's free. what harm could it possibly do?

be thankful. and show that you are :)

*i promise : tomorrow, i'll practice smiling nicely no matter how much i want to scream due to any stress in my life. just smile. that's it :)

i'm not trying to be a saint. don't mean to sound like one, either.

merely a girl trying to have more sincerity in this hypocritical world we're living in.

is that really too much?

hmm . .
what have you observed today?
any act of kindness of your own?
whose day have you brightened?

tell me.
i'd love to hear it.

l o v e ,

clarissa tracy priscilla.


sheilla said...

stuju bgt ca...
gw jg mw cba bwt senyum truusss..

Le Chat said...

Very thoughtful and great. Love it ho.
It made me thinking. Btw, download india arie songs, There's Hope. the lyric is great.

nastasya said...

"*i promise : tomorrow, i'll practice smiling nicely no matter how much i want to scream due to any stress in my life. just smile. that's it :)"

love this statement of urs.
trying to keep this promise for myself, too. .
that i'll smile, no matter what will happen or what i'll go through.
somehow, it's so hard, even by trying to smile when u'r not in the mood of doing so.

NovA said...

yup gw setuju..
sebenernya ga gitu ngerti..hehe

Comment blog gw chaa..
ada yang baruu

ayuu said...

gw setuju..
lu bener2 orang yang sangat bersemangat cha.. si sony lucu ya mukanya.. udah gw commenin juga tuh
jangan lupa mampir ke blog nya ayuu ya chacha sayang.. hihi
isi comment yang banyak..

bedtimestory said...

Yeah..Muka lu jutek jadi harus banyak senyumm...hahaha,,

desspi said...


iih. ga nyangka situ bisa ngomong gitu. hehehe

"i promise : tomorrow i'll practice smiling nicely....."
bener yeee ? kalo senyumnya ga "nicely", toblerone ya (yang gede) haha.

b l e s s e d said...

@ tata : it IS hard to do. sometimes, when i go rough patches, all i wanna do is just pull someone's hair. so u see, how a smile requires such effort, right ?

@ nova & ayu : okok . i'll check yours out sygs ;)

@ om : hehhe. ihh. muka gw nice gini om. hhaha :)

@ DIVA : hehhe. i smile EVERYDAY. hahha :) i'm really nice, you know that . hahha :)

Anonymous said...

Hei.... heiii. hei..... Brainfreeze..... Is that you...... Yeah, i know.... Stubborn, too flirt....... and everything minus are you.... Ha ha ha..... No no, just a joke.... Noone can substitute you be my best teacher.... Guiding me, studying, and all your assist make me better than before..... Is that enough, mummy......

Anonymous said...

you are a good teacher!


Anonymous said...

you are a good teacher!

ardi said...

you are a good teacher!

putri said...

wah kyknya harus blajar akting senyum sama miss cha" nie...
hahahahaaa... :)

secara acting class geto!!..

ikutan dech..
"you are a good teacher.."

Anonymous said...

nice and good

Mulan said...

it's touching. Somehow we DO forget about little thing like smiling. I agree that it's imporant and surely won't harm us, on the other hand seizing your day (

Dedi Iskandar said...


rach' said...

i agree cha. bener kan,ketika kita ngerasain sesuatu pengalaman yang berharga, yg menurut orang ga penting tp menurut kita itu penting dan berarti bgt.cthnya ya kayak cerita kamu ini.
anw,inget crita ak ttg anak sd itu kan? km jg ngalamin dgn versi lain. =)

ayuu said...

fajar : fajar galak banget sm chaca.. hahaha

wah ca anak murid lo udah mulai mengisi comment lo nih.. isi comment ayu jg ya anak2, heheh
gw si apapun yang terjadi selalu mencoba untuk tersenyum walaupun hati gw menangis.. hiks2

Valensia said...

what have you observed today?
each day is the best gift from GOD..

any act of kindness of your own?
try to make people around me laugh..

whose day have you brightened?
i have no idea..

cha.. open..

nice song if u wanna smile..
by nat king cole..

b l e s s e d said...

@ anonymous #1 : ka ade, i know this is you. hahah :) shut up. u know u love me. hahah :) yahh, thanks for the comment, but ur supposed to comment about the POSTS, not about me kaka syg :) aku mo jadi tentara juga!!!

@ anonymous #2n3, ardi, oldga : thanks guys. u guys are awesome too! :)

@mulan, deddy, rach, ayu, valen : thanks for the comments guys :) yahh, everyday is a gift from GOD and we should try to embrace it no matter how hard right :)

love you all .

Luthfan Desmono Silalahi said...

I agree miss, and always thank everything people give to us INCLUDE THAT RAT HAHA justkid
and always try to smile in your birthday even you're mad hahaha *evil laugh*

b l e s s e d said...

@ ufan : dear. it was a rehearsal, because my birthday isn't for another 24 days. haha . and yes. ok THANKS for the RAT! omg! hohh. that was a frustrating moment in class. hahah . . but funny, that i'll admit .

.isabella. said... love it.
Sometimes we miss that simple moment.
But apparently that simple thing will enrich your soul.

.isabella. said...

blogna menarik bwt gw.
belajar bhs inggris jugaa
belajar tentang hidup juga.
mampir di www.akuisabel.blogspot yah