is a part of my blog in which i become the adviser of mankind :)
*ok. lose the disbelief smile!
see me become wise.
it's awfully surprising and you might just admit HOW RIGHT i am.
or maybe i'll just give u a little something to ask yourselves.
get ready to be WOW'ed ;)
so . . question of the day . . .

"have you really LIVED OUT LOUD ? ?"
as some of you may know, today is the day of the SITU GINTUNG TRAGEDY, dimana sebuah tanggul besar udah jebol, and the water poured out to the houses and community nearby.
so the first time i heard about this tragedy was through my beloved lieutenant. through the phone. i was in my room, he was in Gresik. no images come to mind then. it was just another tragedy. sad things happen everyday. i don't mean to downplay it, but they do, don't they?
well. today, after work, i stopped by the tv at the waiting room area and watch the footage of what happened on the tragedy.
and there i was . with my eyes opened realizing the MAGNITUDE of the whole thing.
a house, a REAL HOUSE, a BIG HOUSE even, was swept, down on its knees by the water. there were nothing left. and my boss asked "ihh, gimana yaa klo ada yang tidur? orang2 pada lagi gak tau ada apa2 gt tiba2 kesapu aer. wahh gila ni!" it was just a simple remark. yet it opened my eyes.
i'm a smart girl *not to be cocky about it*. i know that death is something that noone knows about. you know it'll happen anyway, but nobody knows when it happens or where it happens, it's just THAT unpredictable.
and what i thought about was the people inside that house that got swept off by the water, and those who died today due to the tragedy, they HAD NO clue. they were probably just sleeping, or talking, or cooking, thinking that nothing's wrong and it's just another day and then BYARRRRRRRRR. it's over.
and so i look back at myself, and i asked the same question. i realize that the answer is no. i HAVEN'T LIVED OUT LOUD. i haven't GONE OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE. i CAN DO MORE. i HAVEN'T USED THE 2ND CHANCES I'VE BEEN GIVEN. and this makes me so grateful because i KNOW that i still have a bit more time to make this a bit better.
i know one day it's my turn to "go" and when that day happens, i just hope that people can say "well, she HAS LIVED OUT LOUD"
only you can answer that.
be thankful for another day that you have though.
this sounds like a cliche i know.
i'm not much of a wise person to be a source, you may think.
but really.
trust me on this one . .
post 'em
p e a c e,
bad side about me : i'm ignorant at times. i don't really watch the news or read the newspapers. i think it's all too depressing. and you gotta admit, it actually is.
so the first time i heard about this tragedy was through my beloved lieutenant. through the phone. i was in my room, he was in Gresik. no images come to mind then. it was just another tragedy. sad things happen everyday. i don't mean to downplay it, but they do, don't they?
well. today, after work, i stopped by the tv at the waiting room area and watch the footage of what happened on the tragedy.
and there i was . with my eyes opened realizing the MAGNITUDE of the whole thing.
a house, a REAL HOUSE, a BIG HOUSE even, was swept, down on its knees by the water. there were nothing left. and my boss asked "ihh, gimana yaa klo ada yang tidur? orang2 pada lagi gak tau ada apa2 gt tiba2 kesapu aer. wahh gila ni!" it was just a simple remark. yet it opened my eyes.
i'm a smart girl *not to be cocky about it*. i know that death is something that noone knows about. you know it'll happen anyway, but nobody knows when it happens or where it happens, it's just THAT unpredictable.
and what i thought about was the people inside that house that got swept off by the water, and those who died today due to the tragedy, they HAD NO clue. they were probably just sleeping, or talking, or cooking, thinking that nothing's wrong and it's just another day and then BYARRRRRRRRR. it's over.
the question is . .
"have those people REALLY lived!?
have they fulfilled all that they want to?
have they really loved and been loved?
have they been the BEST that they could've been to their loved ones?
havae they been given 2nd chances!?"
"have those people REALLY lived!?
have they fulfilled all that they want to?
have they really loved and been loved?
have they been the BEST that they could've been to their loved ones?
havae they been given 2nd chances!?"
and so i look back at myself, and i asked the same question. i realize that the answer is no. i HAVEN'T LIVED OUT LOUD. i haven't GONE OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE. i CAN DO MORE. i HAVEN'T USED THE 2ND CHANCES I'VE BEEN GIVEN. and this makes me so grateful because i KNOW that i still have a bit more time to make this a bit better.
i know one day it's my turn to "go" and when that day happens, i just hope that people can say "well, she HAS LIVED OUT LOUD"
ask yourselves,
only you can answer that.
be thankful for another day that you have though.
this sounds like a cliche i know.
i'm not much of a wise person to be a source, you may think.
but really.
trust me on this one . .
post 'em
p e a c e,
Argh. Merde. A stab straight into my heart.
I haven't lived out loud at all.
Well, I've to admit that I'm ignorant. I'm rarely watch TV or read the newspaper. Well, I read it but mostly just the sport section or scanning the headlines.
The thing is you are absolutely RIGHT.
I haven't living out loud and I intend to do it. As for now, I'm counting my blessings.
Great great great post ma chèrie! You truly are wickedly wise. *grin*
@ fina : it's ok. the thing is, thankfully, we STILL have time to be :)
thanks for your comment, cherie.
ok. first, why is that 'post a comment' writing so damn small?? i mean, it's a pretty important option for people to choose.. but i almost didn't see it!! argh.
second, NO. i HAVEN'T lived out loud.
you know that. ho.
in fact, i've been making 'little boroks' as you said. but im gonna start doin so SOON. so when I go, i'd feel like i've said and done everything i wanted to do [; btw, nice post.
-- claudia
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