Sunday, April 5, 2009

LOVEBOX - - t h a t EX of m i n e

i haven't posted anything as often as before. due to the hectic and tiring life i lead. don't mean to sound ungrateful and whiny. but i've been exhausted. sorry :'(

anyway. .

it's my 2nd post on LOVEBOX. and i choose a topic that i think everyone of us should have which is . .

hmmph . .

i choose to make the word "THAT" in bold to emphasize the significance of that person as our ex.
but to even broaden the "horizon", in this post, u don't even have to think about "EX" as in girlfriend or boyfriend, merely a person that has left a bit of a tinge in your hearts and lives.


well, as we grow up from teenagers, young adults, to be a fully developed ADULTS, we learn bit by bit about this thing called "ROMANCE", yes? it's rare that we find THE ONE on our first try, and if you did, well lucky you! ;) but more often we go from one trial to another. some are more meaningful than others .

based on so many people that i hang out with, despite the difference in all of us, when it comes to relationships, we all have "THAT ex" . .

what is "THAT ex", clarissa ? ?

ok well,
THAT ex is he/she that was in your life as your 'significant someone' --i didn't say boyfriend or girlfriend ok? now, he/she was the one that MADE YOUR DAY and PUT BUTTERFLIES IN YOUR STOMACH. might be the one that gave you your first kiss. or the one you had been with the longest. the one you shared secrets with. the one that made you feel what being "stupidly in love" is. or well, add your own definition . .

anyway, he/she then left your life. i don't mean, he/she dies or goes away or anything. in most cases, this he/she just changes status from being your "significant someone" to being "a mere acquaintance". this process of change can be done nicely, or PAINFULLY *thoughtful smile* think of your own story . .

the definition above can be used for just an "EX" though . .

what's so special now?

well. THAT ex is also the person that you still care about. your stomach still churns when you hear their name being said. when someone says anything bad about them, you try SO DAMN HARD to hold your tongues so you don't defend them to the end. when you hear something bad happens to them, you try so hard not to care but then you still do. in most cases, THAT ex is the person whose face pops into your head when you have absolutely nothing to think about, and that face makes you smile.

most people would think that i'm writing this because i'm still hanging on.
the tone of writing is deceiving, perhaps . .

but this post is only to bring out the "curhatters" in you ;)

i'm guessing. almost absolutely sure that all of us has THAT ex . .

willing to spill ?
or tell me about what makes a person qualify to be "THAT ex"? ?

comment, please :)


clarissa tracy priscilla


nastasya said...

"stab" me right to my heart! huhu
the EX of mine is someone who was close to my heart.
he was my significant someone.
we were so close, that people thought we were secretly in a relationship at that moment.
the fact is, i did love him.

but then,
he knew this girl, and the next thing i knew,
they got close, and now they're officialy bf n gf :(
ah, it WAS painful!

i could say dat we had sort of unique relationship - we're friends, but we had that "on-and-offs", just like some couples might have. yet, now we barely even talk to each other. everything's changing since an "incident", and we couldn't return our bond to the way it used to be.
i truly miss those moments we had,
yet i still try my best to erase this feeling i had.
he's surely the only one who could make me feel all the loves and hates in this world i've ever had for someone.

i miss you, mister EX :(


b l e s s e d said...

@ ta : i understand, honey. and it sucks that the situation can never go back to the way it was. sometimes "things happen for a reason" don't seem to make sense when we miss the one we long for right? sabar yaaa ministerku :)

Dedi Iskandar said...

cha,,,,, its cool stuff,,,
Give me hundred comment cha... huhuh