*a little about CLARISSA'S DAY*
a part of my blog where i get to be a bit narcissistic and write about . . .
well, i think i've mentioned it before, and as some of you may know, i work as an english teacher at ILP :) *one of the best too if i might add . .
hehhe :)
i teach kids in the early afternoon and then mostly junior high and senior high students and ended with teaching the "more seasoned people" at night . .
well, in my 1-and-a-half year of teaching, i've met some very awesome individuals. the way my students are never cease to amaze me. teaching is like endless learning. i LOVE it --though it IS part of why i am a bit too tired lately :'(
anyway, term ini, one of my favorite class is my intermediate1 class.
they're filled with 15 AWESOME human beings --hopefully after this post is posted, they won't turn into monsters. lol . .
yeahh, last friday was a lesson about SPECULATING. so i told each of them beforehand to bring something, anything, and wrap it so the other students won't know what's in it. the "gifts" would then be collected and everyone has to SPECULATE (or guess) what's in it . they should produce sentences like "it sounds like . . . it may be a . . . blalala"
anyway, so everytime i teach this lesson, i pretend it's my birthday. and it was so fun last friday.
students : "miss, pretend to go outside dong miss. so it's like a surprise party. and you pretend to be terharu gitu miss"
crazy teacher : "OKOK!"
and we did it. and i pretended to be all touched and cried like a cheap actress on indonesian sinetrons. hahha :)
anyway, i brought my "CAKE" -- it was made of pisang molen and cabe rawit PLUS a candle (those candles used in case of a blackout. the ugly white ones ;P
and it was fun . .
i told them it was REHEARSAL for my upcoming birthday on the 29th . .
they all wrapped their "gifts" VERY nicely. . i told them they can have it all back but they decided to give it to me :D *yippie.

Putri, one of my students, wrapped her gift with like ONE WHOLE NEWSPAPER! it took me SO LONG to open it . . n it was FRUITELLA inside :)
DESFI, ARDI, AMEL, and most of my students gave me CANDY and CHOCOLATE --they may think i'm underfed . . how could that be!? i'm as fat as ever! huhhu ..
anyway, i also got a BROKEN BINOCULARS from ufan. i don't know how it worked when it wasn't broken though because when i turned the knob all the lenses did was get closer and pinch my nose. hahha. i don't know.

my FAVORITE gift, honestly, was a bubble gun from anas. it's shaped as an elephant, and i'm still trying to figure out how the elephant trunk is supposed to SUCK in the bubble, but i'll find out later ;)
i was so happy when i got this. i think it showed. my students probably think that i was an unhappy child hahha :) but really, it's cute. when you're older, you can't buy toys. it's embarrasing. haha :) lucky me, right? thanks anas! ;P
well, anoth
er thing that made my day and also RUINED my day was a gift from one of the "evil being" in my class, mr HASYIM RIZKY. he wrapped his gift so nicely. well he put cotton and another little box inside it. in the middle of the cotton were a necklace and a bracelet with letters on them.
chacca : "hasyim, what does this necklace say. . "chocowe ? ? ? " (while holding the necklace trying to figure it out)
hasyim : "we love chacca miss. tapi the letter 'A'nya abis. jadi aku ganti pake 'O'. jadi WE LOVE CHOCHO" *the whole class laughed*
hahahhahahaa. isn't that sweet. i think the wrong letters actually made it SO MUCH CUTER :)
anyway. remembering that he's a bit EVIL, i know that wasn't it. and i told my other student, AMEL, to open the little box. it was wrapped with, again, SO MUCH PAPER. hmmph. *curiousity grows larger* and scared a bit, too. .
and suddenly, amel told me to come see what was inside, i KNEW it was something EEW.
and i was right, i'm SO AFRAID of rats and it was those gooey jelly rats ugh! i was like screaming but then, remembering my dignity *at least, what's left of it hahah* i decided to stop the chaos and put the little RAT *eew* back in its cage. hohhhh!
anyway, messy that it was, i LOVED last friday. it was absolute FUN! :)
i reminded them again that it should only be a REHEARSAL for my REAL birthday :) hahha . .
and they said "oh gitu yahh miss. so on your real birthday, then REAL RAT, yahh miss?
oh no!
evil monsters.
hahha :)
i love them though.
laughters in the calamity of my weariness ROCKS :)
i love being a teacher. .
hehhe :)
thanks for reading this ..
my day's fun right ?
ms. clarissa tracy priscilla --chacca.
with the damn rat --
*i gathered all my courage to take this picture*
hehhe :)
i teach kids in the early afternoon and then mostly junior high and senior high students and ended with teaching the "more seasoned people" at night . .
well, in my 1-and-a-half year of teaching, i've met some very awesome individuals. the way my students are never cease to amaze me. teaching is like endless learning. i LOVE it --though it IS part of why i am a bit too tired lately :'(
anyway, term ini, one of my favorite class is my intermediate1 class.
they're filled with 15 AWESOME human beings --hopefully after this post is posted, they won't turn into monsters. lol . .
yeahh, last friday was a lesson about SPECULATING. so i told each of them beforehand to bring something, anything, and wrap it so the other students won't know what's in it. the "gifts" would then be collected and everyone has to SPECULATE (or guess) what's in it . they should produce sentences like "it sounds like . . . it may be a . . . blalala"
anyway, so everytime i teach this lesson, i pretend it's my birthday. and it was so fun last friday.
students : "miss, pretend to go outside dong miss. so it's like a surprise party. and you pretend to be terharu gitu miss"
crazy teacher : "OKOK!"
and we did it. and i pretended to be all touched and cried like a cheap actress on indonesian sinetrons. hahha :)
anyway, i brought my "CAKE" -- it was made of pisang molen and cabe rawit PLUS a candle (those candles used in case of a blackout. the ugly white ones ;P
and it was fun . .
i told them it was REHEARSAL for my upcoming birthday on the 29th . .
they all wrapped their "gifts" VERY nicely. . i told them they can have it all back but they decided to give it to me :D *yippie.
Putri, one of my students, wrapped her gift with like ONE WHOLE NEWSPAPER! it took me SO LONG to open it . . n it was FRUITELLA inside :)
DESFI, ARDI, AMEL, and most of my students gave me CANDY and CHOCOLATE --they may think i'm underfed . . how could that be!? i'm as fat as ever! huhhu ..
anyway, i also got a BROKEN BINOCULARS from ufan. i don't know how it worked when it wasn't broken though because when i turned the knob all the lenses did was get closer and pinch my nose. hahha. i don't know.
my FAVORITE gift, honestly, was a bubble gun from anas. it's shaped as an elephant, and i'm still trying to figure out how the elephant trunk is supposed to SUCK in the bubble, but i'll find out later ;)
i was so happy when i got this. i think it showed. my students probably think that i was an unhappy child hahha :) but really, it's cute. when you're older, you can't buy toys. it's embarrasing. haha :) lucky me, right? thanks anas! ;P
well, anoth
chacca : "hasyim, what does this necklace say. . "chocowe ? ? ? " (while holding the necklace trying to figure it out)
hasyim : "we love chacca miss. tapi the letter 'A'nya abis. jadi aku ganti pake 'O'. jadi WE LOVE CHOCHO" *the whole class laughed*
hahahhahahaa. isn't that sweet. i think the wrong letters actually made it SO MUCH CUTER :)
anyway. remembering that he's a bit EVIL, i know that wasn't it. and i told my other student, AMEL, to open the little box. it was wrapped with, again, SO MUCH PAPER. hmmph. *curiousity grows larger* and scared a bit, too. .
and suddenly, amel told me to come see what was inside, i KNEW it was something EEW.
and i was right, i'm SO AFRAID of rats and it was those gooey jelly rats ugh! i was like screaming but then, remembering my dignity *at least, what's left of it hahah* i decided to stop the chaos and put the little RAT *eew* back in its cage. hohhhh!
anyway, messy that it was, i LOVED last friday. it was absolute FUN! :)
i reminded them again that it should only be a REHEARSAL for my REAL birthday :) hahha . .
and they said "oh gitu yahh miss. so on your real birthday, then REAL RAT, yahh miss?
oh no!
evil monsters.
hahha :)
i love them though.
laughters in the calamity of my weariness ROCKS :)
i love being a teacher. .
hehhe :)
thanks for reading this ..
my day's fun right ?
ms. clarissa tracy priscilla --chacca.
with the damn rat --
*i gathered all my courage to take this picture*
another lovely post! :)
i wouldn't be so astonished to the fact that u'r one the ILP teachers *since ur english is absolutely SPLENDID :)*,
but i like the fact that u n ur students r that close, yet they show such love & respect to you.
u must have taken ur time to make some kind of approach to 'em, coz not all students would really obey & respect theit teacher. it's quite mind-boggling, yet it proves that u really are one AWESOME girl - and u must be PROUD of urself, girl!
well done, MISS CHACHA! :)
astaga. anw ya cha, ini jadi komen just between u and tata kah ? haha.
ayolah tata, jgn cuma chaca aja. ak juga dunk. iri ni. hehe
satu lagi beibi, kamu jangan posting" lagi. org bgg nt komen yg mana. soalnya cuma 1postingan aja yg komennya mst 150. okeoke ?
aio, kita saling membantu komen.
love, chel
foto u lucu bgt dh cha......hahaha.....
SYL-VIA PR 11 - 2C
comment ya??THX
cha, foto u lucu bgt dh........hehehe
SYL-VIA PR 11 - 2C
comment ya??THX
mrs chacca!ceritanya bikin ketawace
score 1 - 5...umm, it's fine i hafta give u 1, isn't it? he3. well, to be honest i dont wanna give u 5. but if it can stop u 2 pull my hair, i'll give u 4..
wow what a lovely day, so much fun hehe
seneng bgt kamu ya beib !
kamu tu fotonya ngk kontrol banget .
mwah love u!
@ tata : well, LOVE and RESPECT sometimes don't come in together and you're right it's hard to get 'em all at the same time. so i'm really thankful to be where i am today :)
@ rach & sil : hehhe :) okok . .
@ ardi : of course :) you guys ROCK!
@ anonymous : shut up, ka cahyo. i know this is you. hahha :)
@ mulan : thanks dear :) it WAS fun!
@ anonymous 2 : ayank . hehhhe :) fotonya odong bgt tuhh. hahha :)
uuuuaaaa keren bgd ci klz kita..
so cool miss..
we love chocco..
heheee...:) (dasar "HR" evil..hee..)
Btewe, kotak indosatnya gk bgd c miss.. (cah solo..haa..)
well.. it's kinda an international tradition to wrap a gift in so much newspaper or paper, regarding the fact that it's kinda a way to waste paper, but since they used newspaper or some old paper, so it's ok i guess... GO GREEN!! :P
and u sounds so happy trace... i'm glad... u said that u're life is kinda monotone, but according to what i saw on this blog, i dont think it is.. i mean, u got to know a lot of people, i mean, being a teacher is a good thing i guess, coz u got to experience a lot of different personalities of human in this world... hahaha.. i sounded a little hyperbole, but anyway.. it's true.. and i think it's not monotone at all... unlike me... sighhh...
anyway... this is my first time commenting on ur blog, and i hope it'll be a regular thing of mine... and i know u wish it's too.. hahaha.. :P
g jg lulusan ILP looh,
tp kaena inggris na masi bysa ajaa,hixx..mrasa mnyesaal..
krn mgkn kurng dilatih yaahh!!huffh..
hari yg sgt mnyenangkann..
emnagk klo udah hobi ngjaar,pasti sregg bgt deeh..apalagi klo murid2na jg bs bkin qta enjoy bgt,hohoo..
gudluck for your job yaah..
comment my blog plz..
thanks a lot :)
bedeh ms.chocho
evil evil gini ms banyak yang naksir.bhahahaha
miss, this post makes me remind about pelajaran yang kaya gini di YAC 6 miss. do you remember, when lina gave you tempe? HAHAHAHAH
mainin yooo ms cocho........bhabahbhabhabahhahahahhaahahhahhahhaahha
That was fun miss!
O ya, maybe, on your 'real birthday', I'll give you a gift miss..
seruu bgt sih cun?
ehh gw jd terinspirasi sesuatu nih..
yuhuuu cha cha...
I'm coming untuk meramaikan blog anda...
karna tugas saya adalah membantu blog anda untuk mencapai target..
lagi ngapaen lu cha?
Surat lu sehat,Cha?
hidung gimana,cha?
dah mendingan?
jagalah kesehatan
my niece..
kita akan menghadapi antro bersama
itu adalah pelajaran favorit kita..hahahaha..
udah 10 ni...udhan dulu ya..ciaooo...
ya ampun bagi donk maenannya
ak ngomen dsn aja ahhh.. hbs yg plg banyak ini momma
lovelovelovelove you !!!
love u again n again !
anw, ak jg mau dpt hadiah kyk gitu dunk mi. mau mau.
apalg yg tiupan balon itu. mahuu.. huha,,
i luv ur blog,caca.it's so ontorostong..he..i lost my i and e.
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