Friday, September 18, 2009

back on blogger :)

oh gosh, setelah sekian lama gw maless menulis, here i am, BACK ON BLOGGER! hihihihi :)

hip hip hooray! ;) :) ;9 :D

so, setalah gw pikir2, sepertinya gw tau alasan why i've been missing from this blogging thing. well, mungkin karena when i started, ini tuh cuma buat tugas dari dosen, so after it was completed, i thought that there wasn't any point in making anymore post.
gw lupa pada fakta bahwa gw punya banyak curhatan, dan suka menulis, tapi malessss, dan alangkah lebih mudahnya mengetikk :) hihihi, and that's why i'm back here.


percaya ga percaya yahh, tapi seorang CLARISSA TRACY PRISCILLA, beranggapan bahwa things that you say makes it more real, but when it's written it's VALIDATED.

gw punya diary gogirl! di rumah, dan itu pun udah LAMA bgt ga gw tulis2, yahh berdasarkan, semenjak my absence on blogger and that diary, shitty things happen and even though i remember it, and it's in my head, and i'm able to replay it OVER AND OVER AND OVER again, but when i write it down, it goes to another level of REAL. it's VALID. it's ADMITTED, and honestly, ga smua hal yg terjadi sama gw belakangan ini pngen gw akuin sebagai hal yg bener2 terjadi.

wanna know what REALLY happens? stay posted :)

l o v e ,

clarissa .


a. said...

completely agree with you, dear. Putting things in writing is validating it. Admitting it, indeed.

Le Chat said...

dang, it's my turn to do this blogger project for the final ass ho. somehow im not really into it. but please leave comment to when i finally made it okay?
